iWalk Small Portable Charger

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What is it?

This is a tiny portable power bank that plugs directly into your phone or airpods and tops-up your battery! The built in charging port means you never have to bring a separate cable and it's so small that it fits even the tiniest purses or bags!

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But the iWalk charger isn't just about convenience, it's also about usability. This little powerhouse plugs right into your phone and just stays there. You don't have to deal with the hassle of a dangling charger or tangled wires. Instead, you're free to use your phone while it's getting juiced up.

Whether you're making calls, scrolling through your feeds, or even taking selfies, the iWalk portable charger allows you to do it all, uninterrupted and hassle-free.

Unparalleled Convenience

Let's talk about the iWalk portable charger, a game-changer in the world of portable power solutions. You know that feeling when you're out and about, your phone's on its last 10%, and - oh no - you've forgotten your charging cable at home?

With the iWalk charger, that's a problem of the past. Its standout feature is an iPhone charging port built right into the charger. This means you never have to worry about carrying a separate cable around with you.