Pan Separator

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What is it?

A pan separator is a must have in the kitchen. When storing your cookware, it's important to keep it separated so that cookware sitting in other cookware doesn't do damage - especially when the cookware is coated with a non-stick surface such as teflon.

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Now, let's dish on another little perk of pan separation: a quieter kitchen. Imagine, it's early morning and you're on the hunt for your trusty pancake griddle. Without pan separators, you're likely to be greeted with a chorus of metal-on-metal. Not the best way to kick-start the day, huh? By separating your pans, you're effectively muting that jarring jingle of pots and pans. And hey, your still-sleeping family members, roommates, or neighbors will surely thank you for it.

Protecting Your Pan's Life Span

If you're anything like me, your pans are your partners in culinary crime. So, it just makes sense to treat them with a little extra TLC, right? This is where pan separation during storage comes in handy. By placing a layer between each pan, you're preventing that pesky clanging and scraping that happens when you're rifling through your cabinet for the perfect omelet pan. This way, not only are you maintaining the quality of your pans' surfaces, but you're also extending their life spans. Just like that, your pans are looking as good as new and cooking as evenly as ever!