Torch Lighter

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What is it?

This is a torch lighter. Features an easy to use ignition button with safety and flame control. Make the flame as small as a traditional lighter or as large as 5 inches.

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This gas butane lighter isn't a one-trick pony. It's refillable and features an easy-to-use flame height adjuster, which is as simple as rotating the lighter wheel at the side. This torch lighter might be a handy tool for a variety of settings, be it in the kitchen or outdoors.

When it comes to performance, this torch lighter doesn't hold back. Its ultra-powerful blue flame has three intensity settings, with the highest level capable of heating up to a scorching 1300C - enough to go through metal, it claims. The lighter's full metal casing is crafted from high-quality zinc alloy, and it's designed to maintain a steady flame even in a breeze. Now that's a feature that could come in handy during those outdoor adventures.

A Torch Lighter Tailored for Safety and Convenience

According to its design specs, this torch lighter aims to provide both safety and ease of use. It features a fully automatic electronic ignition system, complete with a built-in piezo ignition. That certainly takes the fuss out of trying to get a flame going. However, keep in mind that you'll need to fill it with gas before your first use, as shipping regulations mean it arrives empty.