Fire Bulb

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What is it?

This is an LED lightbulb that glows orange and flickers just like a fireplace, campfire or candle. Boosts the vibe of any room.

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This bulb can double as the perfect substitute for candles or kerosene lanterns. Picture this bulb flickering away in your fireplace, front patio light, lantern, chandelier, street light, or wall sconce. And when it comes to decorating for holidays like Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Valentine's Day, and Easter, this gadget could add an extra sparkle to your festivities.

Lighting Up Your Space with A Twist

It's a special bulb that not only illuminates but also dazzles with a realistic flame flickering effect. The creators claim that this effect is the result of continuous testing and refinement. This isn't your average light bulb; all you have to do is screw it into any E26 base and watch as the LED emulates a burning flame.