Bag Clip WITH Spout

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What is it?

This is a genius bag clip. Seal bags of food to prolong shelf storage with easy pouring access through the built in spout.

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The built-in spout is more than just a clever trick, it's a game-changer. It's the kind of simple, smart design that has you slapping your forehead and wondering, "why didn't I think of that?" This bag clip-spout combo also saves you a step or two when it comes to cleaning. Without having to take off the clip entirely, there's less chance of touching food remnants, so your hands and your kitchen stay cleaner.

Lastly, having this tool in your kitchen gadget arsenal helps keep your food fresh longer. The built-in spout feature ensures the bag stays mostly sealed while you pour, preventing air from getting in and messing with your food's freshness.

Bag Clips with a Twist

How many times have you wrestled with a bag of rice or cereal, spilling the contents all over your kitchen floor, simply because you needed to open it for a pour? Don't worry, we've all been there! But what if I told you there's a little gadget that could make your life just a smidge easier? Yep, we're talking about the incredibly convenient bag clip with a built-in spout.

This genius invention allows you to clip and seal your food bags as you normally would, but with an added perk: it has an incorporated, circular spout. This means, when you're ready to pour out some rice for your signature stir-fry or pour cereal into your breakfast bowl, you don't have to remove the clip completely.