USB Rechargable AA Battery

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What is it?

These AA batteries are individually rechargeable via USB. Extremely convenient especially for travelling.

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The manganese dioxide batteries invented by Leclanché were later improved upon by another chemist named Carl Gassner. Gassner replaced the manganese dioxide with zinc chloride, which made the batteries even smaller and more powerful.

These new zinc chloride batteries quickly became the standard for portable devices, and they're still in use today.

So there you have it: a brief history of the AA battery. These little devices have come a long way since their invention over 150 years ago, and they show no signs of going anywhere anytime soon!

A Brief History of the AA Battery

Few inventions have had as big of an impact on our everyday lives as the AA battery. These little batteries power everything from our remote controls to our flashlights, and we often take them for granted. But where did the AA battery come from? And how does it work?

The AA battery was first invented by Georges Leclanché in 1866. Leclanché was a French chemist who was working on improvements to the existing lead-acid battery.

His goal was to create a battery that could be used for portable devices like telegraphs. To do this, he replaced the lead in the battery with a new element called manganese dioxide.

This new battery was much smaller and lighter than the lead-acid batteries of the time, and it quickly became popular for use in telegraphs and other portable devices.