Insulated Tortilla Warmer

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What is it?

This 12", BPA FREE, insulated warming pouch is perfect for keeping your tortilla's and other bread's warm for up to an hour! It saves time by speeding up the process. Store your pre-heated tortillas inside or toss the entire pouch into the microwave for rapid heating. It's also made of a waterproof material which makes it super easy to clean!

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Now think about those delightful family dinner gatherings. You're all set with your fajita mix, your guacamole is creamy and perfect, but your tortillas have gone cold and hard - not a scenario you'd want. That's where a tortilla pouch comes into the picture. This insulated pouch is designed to provide a snug home for your tortillas, preserving their warmth and texture. It's like giving your tortillas a cozy blanket to keep them warm while you enjoy the meal without a worry about reheating them again and again. Plus, who wouldn't love a kitchen tool that makes food taste better for longer?

Warm Tidings with a Tortilla Pouch

Imagine it's Taco Tuesday in your household and you've whipped up a family-sized batch of tortillas, all warm and toasty. This is where a tortilla pouch can be a game-changer! These insulated containers are designed to keep your tortillas warm and soft after heating. So even if you're juggling multiple tasks in the kitchen or your family members are serving themselves at different times, those tortillas will stay pleasantly warm, just like they've come fresh off the griddle. It's a handy little tool for those who love to keep the warmth alive.