Jackery Solar Power Station

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What is it?

This portable power station from Jackery will let you survive off-grid indefinitely. The battery pack provides enough power to run up to 3 high power appliances white charging up to 3 devices via USB. You can also connect up to 4 Jackery solar panels which will charge the battery pack and provide endless power.

In the video we used a high power vitamix blender, electric grill and theatrical smoke machine to demonstrate the ability. The total draw of these devices was over 1800W and the Jackery didn't even choke.

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Life is full of surprises, some exciting, others not so much. In the face of unexpected power outages, a portable power station becomes more than a convenience - it's your ticket to keeping things running smoothly. Pre-charged, it stands ready to lend a helping hand, powering necessary appliances and essential devices. But what if the outage stretches on? This is where the solar panels come into play, turning sunlight into electricity, ensuring that you've got power for as long as you need it. So, no more scrambling around in the dark or worrying about your phone dying - the sun's got your back!

Chasing the Sun

When out in the wilderness or perhaps just tucked away in the corner of a festival ground, a portable power station is a handy companion. It's like carrying a pint-sized power plant with you, ready to fire up your favorite appliances wherever you are. Maybe you're craving a fresh cup of coffee miles away from the nearest café, or perhaps you're out camping and need to charge your devices to stay connected. This solar-charged power station has got you covered. And the beauty of it all? It gets its juice from the sun, an abundant, renewable, and completely free energy source.